College of DuPage Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA) Logo
Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance (WRSA)

SRC 2102 | (630) 942-3355 | 

College of DuPage Main Campus

425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Click here for campus maps and directions.


Spring Semester 2025 (January 27, 2025-May 23, 2025)

**Please note, there is no clerical assistance available when WRSA services are ONLINE ONLY.**

ONLINE & IN PERSON: Monday through Thursday, 8AM-7PM; Friday, 8AM-2PM

ONLINE ONLY: Saturday 9AM-12PM and Sunday 1PM-4PM

**WRSA will be CLOSED Monday, March 31 through Sunday, April 6 and Sunday, April 20.**


Students are allowed TWO appointments per day of different types (must be with different coaches) and up to three appointments of each type per week.
WEEKDAY appointments are scheduled on the hour (:00) or half hour (:30). WEEKEND appointments are scheduled on the hour ONLY (:00).

Appointments are 45 minutes (three white squares).
The white squares represent available appointment times.
To make an online appointment, choose "Yes - Meet Online" in the appointment box window.

Questions? Email:

Instructions for In-Person Appointments

Instructions for Online Appointments

Instructions for Email Coaching


Learn more about Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance and the speech studio.


Writing, Reading, Speech Assistance provides academic support to all College of DuPage students. Services are available to currently-enrolled students or students preparing for placement tests. Appointments scheduled for students not enrolled for the current semester are subject to cancellation. 


 Appointments can be made up to two weeks in advance. If you have to miss an appointment, please cancel in advance by phone or online to open up the appointment for another client; otherwise, the appointment will be marked as missed. If you miss two appointments without cancelling in advance (“no call, no show”), your account will be disabled and you will need to meet with the WRSA Coordinator or Supervisor in order to reactivate your account for the semester.


Students who are late, 10 minutes or more, for their appointments will forfeit their time to walk-in clients or clients on the waiting list. Appointments are marked as missed after 10 minutes. Please call if you know you will be late (630-942-3355).


 If an appointment is not available at a desired time, students may sign up for the waiting list. If an appointment cancels or is marked as missed, clients on the waiting list will be notified via text or email that a time slot has opened up. The notified client must then log on to and schedule the appointment. If the appointment slot is already filled, someone else also received the wait list message and has already scheduled an appointment. Appointments are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.


Students may schedule up to 3 appointments of each type (writing, reading, speech) per week, but no more than a total of two appointments of different types per weekday, across all writing center locations. Weekend appointments are limited to one per day (Saturday and Sunday) of any type. ELA students may schedule 3 ELA Support appointments per week. If a student does have two appointments of different types in one day, the appointments must be scheduled with different coaches. Students are limited to eight appointments to prepare for each ACCUPLACER or Kaplan Test of English placement test. Additionally, ELA students are limited to eight appointments to prepare for the Citizenship test. 


Students that self-identify as being connected with Access & Accommodations are allowed 4 appointments of each type per week but no more than one type of appointment per day, across all writing center locations. After self-identifying, the student may be asked to show their letter from Access & Accommodations prior to scheduling appointments.


Please note: If continuous disruptions occur in a student's home during online appointments, WRSA coaches may request to end the appointment early and encourage the student to reschedule for another time. Out of respect for the student's privacy and home life, as well as for other on-campus appointments taking place within hearing distance of the online appointment, WRSA coaches will apply their discretion if they feel that an online appointment cannot be completed to its fullest efficacy and scheduled length.


By meeting with a WRSA coach, you acknowledge that your work is your original thinking. If we are uncertain, we will explain what plagiarism is and provide resources to help you understand and learn how to avoid it. The WRSA Coordinator will be notified of this conversation.

 If the authenticity of your writing is questioned again after an initial plagiarism discussion, you agree to sit with a coach and complete the COD Library’s online plagiarism module to clarify confusion regarding citation practices and standards.

If plagiarism is suspected after completion of the Library’s online module, you will lose your WRSA privileges for the remainder of the semester and your instructor may be notified.


During emergency school closures, coaching appointments do not take place.